Welcome to Acorn Garden Puppetry
Puppetry is an ancient art that has nurtured cultures around the world for thousands of years. Puppetry becomes a healing art when puppets are brought to life with warmth and love and are imbued with an imaginative vision and a living gesture by the puppeteer.
Jennifer Aguirre’s, Acorn Garden Puppetry, is inspired by the indications of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf Education and she explores the puppetry arts through her themed puppet pocket story aprons which are filled with hand puppets, finger puppets and marionettes all handcrafted from natural fibers and delightfully brought to life through interactive poems, stories and songs.
In addition, Jennifer teaches a pedagogically rich and artistic puppetry curriculum she has developed for the first through eighth grades at the Sierra Waldorf School in Sonora, California.
Workshops of various puppetry arts are available for adults.
Puppetry “is a therapeutic remedy against the damages of our civilization…We must do everything in our power to help children to develop fantasy.” Rudolf Steiner

Whitefeather and Jennifer Aguirre